Mammoth to Tower Falls
We couldn't help ourselves so we went back to the hot springs first thing in the morning.
Then we checked out Mammoth Springs, the next stop on the sightseeing extravaganza that is Yellowstone. The highlight here (and dare we say it for the whole park, even trumping Grand Prismatic) was Pallette Springs. We stood stupified trying to take it all in. Our best attempt at a description: cascading milky white thermal water pouring over black brown orange and white pots and pools that seemed to pile up and lead staircase-like to the heavens themselves. Mammth Hot Springs was extrememly hard to capture, so if your wanting more, just google image him.
The days ride was short, hot and hilly, probably highlighted from the continual kudos we're getting from complete strangers telling us how we inspire them, like the guy who just stopped his car in the middle of the road to say awesome job and Kim and Sharon (who you'll here about more later) rejoicing that they caught us at the end of a steep climb so that they could tell Ada in particular how much they admire her for sticking it out, up those long steep climbs. A lot of people have no idea that cycle-touring exists, and are flabbergasted when it's all explained. We get at least a dozen people a day inquiring/admiring/giving us the thumbs up out the car window and it can really make our day.
thumbs up from home too!! you two are inspiring!! xx