Monday, 1 October 2012

DAY 26

Fallon, Nevada to Carson City, Nevada
An uneventful but enjoyable day, still riding with Alex, stopping at some very American saloons for extensive breaks, where seemingly everyone inside wants to know what in God's name we're doing, "and you're doing it by bicycle!?" We get so many people talking to us about the trip every single day, everyone's so nice/friendly/helpful/shocked/disbelieving. Highway 50 is done and dusted, we absolutely loved it. Expected nothing, and while extremely testing at times, the scenery and the classicly quirky towns scattered throughout made it something we'll never forget.

We couchsurf with Josh who puts us all up for the night, showing us videos of his favourite heavy metal bands. He was actually 'filling in' for a friend of his who couldn't host us but had put the ad out of facebook for someone to host three strange cycle tourists, so good on ya Josh.

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