Squaw Valley to Just up the road to Snow Pine Lodge
We're in the midst of a massive overall climb to get to Kings Canyon and basically we can't be bothered doing it all in one go. So we ate into 10km's of it and pulled in for the night at the Snow Pine Lodge, a place Steve recommended. We're served pancakes on arrival and we know we're onto a good thing. We don't do much all day, we blog, we read, we watch Night at the Roxbury, play darts, watch Monday Night Football. The real highlight is the motley crew of legends running the Lodge. Especially Robert, who's completely dumbfounded at what we're doing. Here's an approximate and very much shortened transcript of about an hour long conversation we had:
"All the way from Salt Lake City? Oh my God, on bicycles!? You gotta be kidding me, I've never heard of...on bicycles!? And you guys came on bicycles? I wouldn't know how to do that...I need to call Ripleys Believe It Or Not, they're not gonna believe this...(on phone to co-owner) hey Cindy listen to this these guys came on bicycles from Salt Lake City, yeh I've already given them a can of V8 Splash on the house, yeah I gotta call Ripleys Believe It Or Not or something, this is...Oh my God"
Robert, you are a legend.