Sunday, 7 October 2012

DAY 39

Grant Grove to Lodgepole, Sequoia National Park, California
As part of our new take-it-easy-for-a-few-days approach we're stretching way more and eating healthier (if possible, it's often very hard to find something healthy to eat in the US, there is often nothing fresh available in the national parks except onions and potatoes). But this morning we do: canned spinach and tuna for breakfast. Mmm. 

Today's ride takes us to neighbouring Sequoia National Park, through some of the most luscious forest yet: Giant Sequoias, mossy pines, rocky outcrops and fern undergrowth. In fact all the forest we've ridden through on this trip has gotten progressively better looking. In the arvo we go for a scenic 2 mile hike to a waterfall, which at this time of year is dribbling out about a mouthful of water at any one time, but it's set in a wonderful enclosed arena of rockface which echoes brilliantly whatever we want to yell out, like "yodeleyhihoo" or "dogroll" or "biscuits n' gravy" for example, whatever.